Doctor Who Collection – New Acquisitions (Nov 16-30, 2023)

The 69th anniversary of the greatest show ever brings more additions to the collection.

SFX Magazine Collection Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide

Zygon direct to video release from the Wilderness Years

Auton first of a trilogy

see review here

Another direct to video release from BBV

Light hearted release from BBV

Latest set of Eighth Doctor audio adventures

FASA Player’s manual

see review here

2013 calendar

2014 calendar

2012 calendar

Abducted by the Daleks porn film

see review here

2nd series of Doctor Who: Redacted

Tomorrow People guide

Biography of the first script editor

Behind the scenes in 1963 of the genesis of the show

Genesis of the 2005 show

TV Comic Holiday Special 1970

see review here

Dark Shadows box sets

Big Finish Dark Shadows monthly release #2

Big Finish Dark Shadows monthly release #1

Original TV serial

City of Death Target novelization

Torchwood monthly release #77

Vortex Magazine #177

free with every physical release from Big Finish

Malcolm Hulke biography

The Observer Magazine 12 November 2023

Latest Lethbridge-Stewart novel

Set of buttons

The Complete History #40

Mandip attending 60th anniversary celebration

Colorized edition of The Daleks released on the November 23

Specials airing on Disney+

Who Else? 2024

Blakes 7 bookmarks

The Complete History Volume #36

Box of Terrors audio novel

Reddit leak about the 60th specials

About Time volume #2

Doctor Who Magazine 60th anniversary special