Doctor Who Extended Media Review – The Complete History Volume #66

Doctor Who The Complete History was a series of hardback volumes which came out every two weeks and covered 3-4 stories each. These were in-depth volumes covering the production of each episode from the first in 1963 to the end of the Peter Capaldi era of the show. In addition to the extensive production notes there were also merchandise and publicity updates and actor profiles. The quality of each volume was exceptional overseen by several different editors. The volumes were only available in the UK and Ireland so were difficult to obtain in other locations. I am more of a Watsonian fan but if you are a Doyalist you will greatly appreciate these books. Even so I give the entire series a solid 8 out of 10. I will rate each episode covered below.

The Eleventh Hour is a fantastic start to Steven Moffat‘s and Matt Smith‘s tenure on the show. This is one of the best introduction stories for a new Doctor. Amy is a charming and beautiful companion who has immediate chemistry with the Eleventh Doctor both as a child and adult. The story proceeds as a rollicking romp ending in one of the best I am the Doctor moments. 10 out of 10.

The Beast Below is a routine story that does have a nice emotional and thought provoking throughline and moral quandary The Eleventh Doctor channels the Sixth Doctor with his moral outrage in the best scene of the episode. 7 out of 10.

Victory of the Daleks is not a well received story but it is not as bad as generally believed. One of the things almost universally disliked is the New Paradigm Daleks but I do not have a problem with them. It could be that my like of the extended media makes me more used to the color palette seen with them. 7 out of 10.