Taste Test – Fried Chicken Skins and Fried Salmon Skins

A couple of interesting items came across my FaceBook feed fries animal skins, being adventuresome in our trying out new things Alex and I decided to try them. As you can see from his expression he was not to enthused about the prospect. First up were the Chicken Chips from Flock.

New photo by Wanderlust Family Adventure / Google Photos
New photo by Wanderlust Family Adventure / Google Photos

Alex did not care for them at all however I thought they were delicious. They were reminiscent of the crispy fried skin you get when you roast a chicken or turkey in the oven. Lightly salted they make a terrific snack. I think I will definitely reorder these keto friendly snacks.
Next were the Good Fish fried salmon skins.

New photo by Wanderlust Family Adventure / Google Photos
New photo by Wanderlust Family Adventure / Google Photos
New photo by Wanderlust Family Adventure / Google Photos

Once again Alex hated them. I was quite looking forward to them after my positive experience with the chicken chips. I also fry haddock skin into toasty chips when we have fish for dinner and find them to be tasty treats. To my surprise I thought these were awful. There was an overpowering fishy flavor that was very off-putting. In summation I would recommend the Flock Chicken Chips if you see a packet but steer clear of the Good Fish fried skins.