Taste Test – Custard Cream Biscuits

After seeing the new Doctor on the television show Doctor Who enjoy her favorite biscuit, Custard Creams, given to her from the TARDIS we decided to give them a try.

New photo by Wanderlust Family Adventure / Google Photos

The Custard Cream Biscuit originated in Great Britain circa 1908 and is the most popular biscuit (cookie) in Britain and Ireland. There is an elaborate floral design stamped into the top of the biscuit and the filling is a vanilla flavored cream.

New photo by Wanderlust Family Adventure / Google Photos
New photo by Wanderlust Family Adventure / Google Photos

We both enjoyed the cookies which have a taste reminiscent of shortbread with a vanilla cream filling. I enjoyed the cookie part of the biscuit but found the filling to have a lingering artificial after taste. Alex liked both the biscuit and the filling and thought they tasted like Oreos because of the filling. All an all a good snack along with a bag of Jelly Babies while watching the latest episode of Doctor Who.