Doctor Who Extended Media Review – Vworp Vworp! Issue #6

Vworp Vworp! is a fanzine covering Doctor Who comics and animation. You can see a review of issue #5 here.

Double sided poster included

Also included a free DVD with three animated stories

(see review here)

Original comics and fiction


Text articles

This is a must buy for anyone even remotely interested in the Doctor Who extended media. The breath of scholarship is unsurpassed in the coverage of whatever subject is being analyzed in a particular issue. This edition’s topic is the first episode of the program and all of its iterations. The alternate beginning from the David Whittaker novelization of the Daleks is presented in animated form on the free DVD as well as in text articles. There is an excellent short story from John Peel about the character of “Old Mother” from the Tribe of Gum. No question 10 out of 10.