Doctor Who Extended Media Review – Do You Have a License to Save This Planet? DVD

Do You Have a License to Save This Planet? is a product of the Doctor Who wilderness years when the TV program was off the air. This 2001 release was a comedy pastiche marking the tenth anniversary of BBV Productions.

Sylvester McCoy stars as “The Foot Doctor”

A number of licensed aliens such as the Sontarans, Krynoids and Autons appeared

… as well as BBV’s own Cyberons

Dancing aliens

I was never a fan of comedy pastiches of my favorite show and this is no exception. I found this effort especially silly and over the top. I feel McCoy was wasted even though he is channeling his comedy roots. It would have been much better to draft a story using the licensed characters and having McCoy in a pseudo-Doctor role to avoid copyright violations. 5 out of 10.