Doctor Who Extended Media Review – Short Trips: Muses edited by Jacqueline Rayner

The Muses is the fourth short trips collection of Doctor Who short stories from Big Finish. The collection is edited by Jacqueline Rayner and contains nine stories.

I greatly miss these short story collections from Big Finish. They always seemed to get the best Whoniverse authors to contribute and there are invariably several excellent stories in every volume. Two of my favorites were “Katarina in the Underworld” by Steve Lyons following Katarina making her way through Tartarus on her way to the Elysian Fields. The other story I quite enjoyed was The “Glass Princess” by Justin Richards. This story features a little girl princess that is poisoned and saved by the First Doctor but must spend great periods of time in a machine to keep her alive. Every time she wakes a great deal of time has expired and she encounters a new incarnation of the Doctor and significant changes to her planet and family. A heartbreaking story as you see the changes unfold. 8 out of 10.