Doctor Who Extended Media Review – Doctor Who Blu-ray Collection William Hartnell Complete Season Two

Doctor Who: The Collection is is a on-going series of Blu-ray boxsets each one collecting a complete season of classic Doctor Who. The collections contain all episodes of the season and includes all of the added material (VAM) previously included on DVD releases. In addition to this previously released material there is also a large amount of material added solely for these releases. These include commentary by stars of the show in “Behind the Sofa” segments, making of documentaries and interviews.

William Hartnell is one of my favorite Doctors so I was quite looking forward to this box set. I always go to the “Behind the Sofa” segments on these box sets and this one did not disappoint. The three sets of commentators were Peter Purves, Carole Ann Ford and Maureen O’Brien; Wendy Padbury, Janet Fielding and Sarah Sutton; and Sophie Aldred and Bonnie Langford. Disapprovingly the commentaries are not included on Planet of Giants or The Crusade. The reminiscences of O’Brien, Ford and Purves were the most interesting having worked with Hartnell. The two new interviews for the set feature William Russell and Maureen O’Brien. There is a interesting documentary on the collectables available in the 1960s. 10 out of 10.