Doctor Who Extended Media Review – The Complete History Volume #19

Doctor Who The Complete History was a series of hardback volumes which came out every two weeks and covered 3-4 stories each. These were in-depth volumes covering the production of each episode from the first in 1963 to the end of the Peter Capaldi era of the show. In addition to the extensive production notes there were also merchandise and publicity updates and actor profiles. The quality of each volume was exceptional overseen by several different editors. The volumes were only available in the UK and Ireland so were difficult to obtain in other locations. I am more of a Watsonian fan but if you are a Doyalist you will greatly appreciate these books. Even so I give the entire series a solid 8 out of 10. I will rate each episode covered below.

A great trio of stories in this volume of The Complete History. The Three Doctors was the first celebration of the shows history which will be repeated every 10 years from this moment on. It was great seeing the first three Doctors together in one adventure. As a young Whovian in Massachusetts during the 1970s and early 80s it was my first experience with the First and Second Doctors outside of the Target Book novelizations. It was nice seeing the Brigadier finally getting into the TARDIS and the interaction between Two and Three set the tone for all future meetups of incarnations. The story itself was serviceable if not spectacular but was sufficient to carry the narrative and provide a framework for the Doctors meeting. The beginning of the historical foundations of the Time Lord society was also set into place. 9 out of 10.

Carnival of Monsters is a highly regarded story by fandom. I found the story solid but the OTT characters of Vorg and Shirna were not favorites of mine. The miniscope adventures with the SS Bernice was well realized and it was nice seeing Ian Marter in a pre-Harry Sullivan role. The Drashig was a nice creature antagonist. 7.5 out of 10.

Roger Delgado’s last appearance as the Master

Frontier in Space is my favorite Third Doctor story. The Draconians are a criminally under utilized alien race on the television, thankfully they have been expanded on in the extended media. The Draconians, much like the Ice Warriors, are both precursors to what the Star Trek franchise did with the rehabilitated Klingons in Star Trek the Next Generation. The political intrigue with the Humans and Draconians create an interesting dynamic to the story. Vera Fusek is wonderful as the Human President combining a competency in her job with a smoldering sensuality. Roger Delgado sadly makes his final appearance as the Master due to his tragic early death in a car accident. There are a myriad of chase and capture scenes that are a bit much keeping the story from earning a 10. 9 out of 10.