Whitlocks Mill Lighthouse – Calais, Maine

Whitlocks Mill Lighthouse in Calais is on private property but can be viewed from the rest area on US Route 1 south of the Calais city center. The port of Calais used to be surrounded by heavy forests making navigation up the Saint Croix river difficult. Lighthouses were erected on the Canadian side of the river in 1857 but this light on the American side was only established in 1909. Prior to this a series of lanterns were hung in nearby trees. The St. Croix Historical Society applied for and was awarded ownership of Whitlocks Mill Lighthouse in 1997, as part of the Maine Lights Program. The Coast Guard still maintains the tower’s flashing green light. The three-bedroom, 2,428-square-foot keeper’s house and other outbuildings are privately owned and closed to the public. The dwelling sold in 2004, with an asking price of $350,000.

View of the Saint Croix River looking towards Canada

Saint Croix Island International Historic Site – Calais, Maine

Saint Croix Island International Historic Site in Calais was my “hometown” national park unit. My parents had their retirement home very near to this park and as a National Park fan I used to come here very often. Saint Croix Island sits in the middle of the river between Maine and New Brunswick. In 1604, a French settlement began on the island, three years before English settlements in Jamestown. Saint Croix Island’s settlement was soon abandoned, following a terrible winter. When I visited the park years ago there was little more than a boat ramp and information placard at the site. Today there are extensive informative displays accompanied by statues representing various historical figures. There are rest room facilities and a fully staffed visitor center. There is no access to the island itself to protect its archeological and natural elements but the mainland area is well worth the visit. The neighboring shore in New Brunswick, Canada also has a park and display. It is great seeing small parks like this being properly represented.

Jonesboro Historic Landmarks Park – Jonesboro, Maine

This small park on US Route 1 in Jonesboro has several historic markers, a small picnic area and a pleasant view of the Chandler River. The park is just a few hundred meters north of Hassey’s Riverside Park.

A green has several historic markers

Military memorial for WW I, WWII and Korea war veterans

Pleasant views of the river

Canopied picnic table available

Hassey’s Riverside Park – Jonesboro, Maine

Schoppee’s Garage was founded circa 1928 by Harrison (Hassey) Schoppee, Schoppee’s Garage was originally on the south side of the Chandler River. When he learned that construction of a new bridge would realign US Route 1 through his business, Hassey floated the garage downriver to his home on Beaver Brook. Once the new bridge was completed, he floated the garage upriver to the north side, now home of Hassey’s Riverside Park located in Jonesboro, Maine.